Yes, I'm still here, still plugging away.
The reviews for THE TOWN THAT BANNED CHRISTMAS (available on Amazon) are in, and boy are they mixed. Some people say it's charming, others say it's the worst Christmas film they've ever seen. Well, at least people have an opinion about it. As the saying goes, any kind of publcity is better than none at all.
Betwixt and between projects, holiday baking, life, the usual suspects. And waiting. Always waiting, which seems to be a writer's lot.
hi pj! i saw your comment on the rouge wave that you have pdfs of the black list 2008 scripts and are willing to share, but i couldn't find your email address on your blog.
can you email pdfs to me at celia (at) 5thandspring (dot) com?
I also saw your offer on the rougewave blogspot and was hoping you could email the pdfs to me, as well.
If you can't email all of them, then can you email: Fuckbuddies, Underage, Everything Must Go, and Easy A.
My email is: traceeandrea@gmail.com
Good luck with your writing!
I just realized that I left an incomplete email address! (That's what happens when you multitask).
My email address is: traceeandrea555@gmail.com
Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for even offering to do this!
Thank you so much! I have a lot of reading to do ;)
I also saw your offer on the rougewave blogspot and was hoping you could email the pdfs to me, as well.
If you can't email all of them, then can you email: Fuckbuddies, Untitled Vanessa Taylor Project,Raindrops All Around Me, Everything Must Go, and Bachelorette.
My email is: scribelablog@yahoo.com.
Good luck with your writing! Thanks!
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